Welcome to FRCOphthNotes

Begin your journey to passing the FRCOphth exams.

Our Story:

Born from Experience

We found FRCOphth exam preparation challenging. We understand the struggle to find resources that are both comprehensive and focused. That's why we took action.

Our Mission

We aimed to distil the core concepts of the FRCOphth exams into a succinct, information-rich format which eliminates clutter & focuses on essential knowledge.

Core Features

Our platform delivers high-yield content and reinforcement assessments to: Promote active learning and application, strengthen understanding & build confidence and competence for the exam

Our Belief

With our platform, you're not just preparing for an exam. You're gaining a deeper understanding of the field. Join our journey of learning and empowerment. Approach your exam with confidence.

Our Team:

Ihsan Fazal

Ophthalmology Registrar with a wide range of skills who likes to keep myself busy with different projects. This is a single handed passion project to build the revision tool I wish I had. I have been working on this for over a year to help you with your exam preparation and I hope you benefit from it and pass your exam first time.
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