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Revision guide for the FRCOphth Part 1 Exam


- Exam Structure and Core Topics

- Curriculum Insights and Effective Study Techniques

- Examination Success Rates and Their Implications

- The Importance of the Examination in Ophthalmology Training

Embarking on the journey to pass the Fellowship examinations of the Royal College of Ophthalmologists is not easy. The FRCOphth Part 1 is often perceived as one of the most challenging milestones due to its comprehensive assessment of basic science and ophthalmic knowledge.

Exam Structure and Core Topics

The FRCOphth Part 1 is a 4 hour long online proctored exam split into two 2 hour sections, each consisting of 90 multiple-choice questions (MCQs. The curriculum and examination details are available on the Royal College of Ophthalmologists' website, pay particular attention to the exam reports which give an idea of the distribution of topics.

Effective Study Strategies

Given the breadth of topics and the detail required, candidates might find the volume of information daunting. However, with targeted preparation focusing on the most pertinent information, efficiency in studying can significantly increase. Our FRCOphth Notes and knowledge reinforcement assessments are curated to emphasize the curriculum's high yield topics, enabling candidates to navigate the extensive syllabus without feeling overwhelmed.

Our exam strategy blog post recommends more useful revision resources.

Understanding Examination Success Rates

The FRCOphth Part 1 has always had a modest pass rate, reflecting its difficulty. The most recent data available (April 2023 Exam Report) demonstrates a pass rate of 40.2%. While this may seem daunting, it's essential to view the examination as a step in your professional development. Success in Part 1 lays a solid foundation for the Part 2 exams, which are characterised by higher pass rates and more clinical focus, which in turn develop your skills as a clinician and your wider career.

The Significance of the FRCOphth Part 1

Although Part 1 may initially appear to be more theoretical than clinical, it is an important part of the ophthalmology training pathway. The depth of basic knowledge acquired through this examination underpins much of the clinical decision-making and expertise required in later stages of your career. Embracing the challenge of Part 1 not only advances your progression in the fellowship but also enhances your capabilities as a future ophthalmologist.

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